Sunday, December 27, 2009

Response Concerning Recent Comment About Job Scams

Recently someone posted the comment below to the blog:

I got a similiar email on Dec. 23 with the subject: Secretary needed - $25/hour from
"Job Glamour" and it was signed Cynthia Kaufman
Human Resources Coordinator.
There was no company name so I searched her name and I found your blog. What is the point of it? Other than being a bother and getting me to go to a page that asked if I was interested in more education, nothing was gained. What is their scam?

They ask the question of what the scam is in a job offer that appears to be legitimate only to discover when you apply there's no job, no correspondence regarding more information about the job, where the job is located, or anything else.

The job scam offer seeks indeed to direct you to an opportunity to further your education but if you are thinking you are actually applying for a job and have an opportunity for a job by some swift and crafty wordsmith, you are being taken advantage of by supplying your name and address and personal information when all this company seeks to do is take advantage of what you are seeking, namely a job and baiting you with phone calls and emails regarding advancing your college coursework.

That to me is a scam, replacing one offer of a job for what seems to be good employment and excellent pay for your personal information and promise of helping you further your education.

More on this later.

Have a great week!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Career Networks Job Scam For Patient Service Representative Silver Lining Careers

Just when I thought I was finished with the crazy fake job offers courtesy of Career Networks, I get an offer to apply for a job as a Patient Services Representative. However, as always with Career Networks or this other alleged company, Silver Lining Careers which is just another colorful way of scamming you, nobody replies back with any answers to questions regarding where the job is located, what company is hiring, where the information submitted goes to (except a database of valid addresses and email accounts) or anything else relevant to a legitimate job offer. I do tire of these types of job offers where the fake company tries to look convincing when it's just not the case.

Here's my email verbatim except my email address:

Hi Xxxxxxxxx,

We wanted to let you know about a vacant Patient Service Representative position that has recently become available. This position is responsible for effective billing, problem solving and maintenance of financial computer records of all patients, and acts as an advocate for the patient in accordance with company policies and procedures for billing and account management.

This position offers $12.54 per hour entry rate, plus benefits.

If you have been considering a career change, or, if you think this is a position you would like to fill, select the following link to access a more complete description and apply:

We will be awaiting your prompt response.

Good Luck,

Cynthia Kaufman
Director of Human Resources

I'm not sure how to stop these types of emails myself. I do question my loyal readership, has anyone had good luck from responding to something as generic as these types of emails? Or better yet, has anyone found anyone to reply with actual information and questions answered?

No, I didn't think so but I wanted to ask.

Comments anyone??

Sunday, November 29, 2009

NY Escrow Services Job Scam Nikia Morgan

Here's another scam type of email that wound up recently in my google email box from a person called "Nikia Morgan" with a return email address in the google email of Rosamma Andonie What still puzzles me is why there is one email showing like Rosamma Andonie and another email name at the bottom of the letter and email address.

Same old trite job offer and scam and that's all that needs to be said on this one.

By the way, anyone have any comments on good work at home jobs that aren't scams like this one and almost all of the others I write about? I'd enjoy hearing from you as would our readers that visit this blog. I seriously doubt most of them exist.

Well they do exist to take your money, identity, and personal information but that's about it really.

Here's the email verbatim:

Good day,

You have received this announcement because your contact details had been posted at jobseeker s resources monitored by our recruiting department. If you are not interesting in employment at this time please disregard this message.
NY Escrow Services one of the leaders at modern escrow providers market is looking for experienced and honest applicants for a number of currently available openings. If you are motivated, honest and tallanted, we'd like to offer you an opportunity to make your career grow in a company, focused on result and customer, team and openness. All interested can our job openings at our web-site. How-to apply instructions are always available there.

Nikia Morgan
HR department / NY Escrow Services
411 Quaker Ridge Rd.
New Rochellle, NY, 10804

DISCLAIMER: This is not an unsolicited mail. Under Bill 1618 Title III passed by the 105th US Congress this mail cannot be considered Spam as long as we include contact information and a method to be removed from our mailing list. If you have received this message in error or are not interested in receiving our e-mails, please reply with a "REMOVE" in the subject line and we will remove your e-mail address from our future mailings

Friday, November 20, 2009 Website

This is an amazing website to check out as time allows. It covers stories, information, and guidance on all sorts of internet crime.

Go to this link to read up on the site called "Looks Too Good To Be True".

I will post more soon...I've been busy with work, changing jobs and now recently moving again.

Have a great weekend and be safe out there!!

Email Scams Response From

The job service recently sent me an email that hits a lot of these scam offers for employment right on the head. Let's read that email:

"If it looks too good to be true, it probably is." Whether you are searching for a new job through Monster or other websites, keep in mind that the same technological innovations that help in your job search may be used by cyber-criminals looking to lure job seekers into questionable job "opportunities."

Monster, the worldwide leader in the online recruitment industry, makes protecting job seekers a top priority. While Monster continually monitors its network and database to detect and terminate fraudulent access or job postings, keep in mind that Monster's primary purpose is to serve as an open forum for employers to advertise open positions and a service for job seekers to broadcast their qualifications to interested employers. We work hard to ensure that only appropriate parties (such as employers) have access, but neither we nor any other online recruitment company can guarantee that inappropriate parties will not gain access to a posted resume. Accordingly, we'd like to remind you of what you can do to help keep yourself safe during a job search.

Know What to Avoid

Some employment scams appear as job postings or classifieds while others may target victims with an offer through an unsolicited email. Below are the most common scams you may see:
Money-Laundering Scams
Money launderers often create job descriptions that offer commissions or pay as high as $2000 per day to process checks on behalf of foreign nationals. They are recruiting local citizens to "process payments" or "transfer funds," because as foreign nationals, they can't do it themselves. The image below is an example of a money laundering scam hidden behind what appears to be an offer of employment.

Reshipping Scams

Reshipping, or postal forwarding, scams typically require job seekers to receive stolen goods in their own homes-- frequently consumer electronics -- and then forward the packages, often outside the United States. Those who fall for reshipping scams may be liable for shipping charges and even the cost of goods purchased online with stolen credit cards. Read more about reshipping scams here. »

Pre-pay/Work at Home Scams

Although there are genuine jobs working at home, many "offers" are not valid forms of employment and may have the simple goal of obtaining an initial monetary investment from the victim. Using claims such as 'be your own boss' and 'make money quickly', Work at Home scams will not guarantee regular salaried employment and almost always require an "up-front" investment of money for products or instructions before explaining how the plan works. Find out more about avoiding these scams. »
Protect Yourself

What seems like a lucrative job offer could cost you your savings and more. Learn to identify the signals of an employment scam to protect yourself. When conducting a job search:

Look for signals in a job posting or email offer, which could serve as an indicator that what is being presented as employment is not legitimate. Don't get involved with an employer that can't make its business model perfectly clear to you or one that's willing to hire you without even a phone interview. Do your own research on any employer that makes you feel at all uneasy.

Never put your social security or national ID number, credit card number, bank account number or any type of sensitive personal identification data in your resume. You should never share any personal information with a prospective employer, even if they suggest that it is for a "routine background check", until you are confident that the employer and employment opportunity is legitimate. Use Monster's resume visibility options to 'Be Safe'.

Do not engage in any transaction in which you are requested to transfer or exchange currency or funds to a prospective employer. Remain alert for the Work at Home employers who require you to make an up-front investment.

Be cautious when dealing with individuals/companies from outside your own country.
If you see a questionable job posting or suspect misuse of the Monster website or its brand, please report the suspected fraud to Monster.

If you think you have been a victim of fraud, immediately report the fraud to your local police and contact Monster, so steps can be taken to ensure your safety. We also recommend that you file an online report with The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C). For more information on how to conduct a safe job search, visit Monster's Security Center. You can also check out

Best regards,

The Monster Team"

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rubye Brehmer Fake Job In Marketing

Here's a reply I received from that same Career Networks stupid company regarding an opportunity to apply for a position.

Here's the text verbatim in bold:

Rubye Brehmer
Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 2:03 AM
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original
H e ll o Xxxxxx,

Thank y ou fo r your i nt e re st in th e p os it io n at ou r fi rm.

A l it tl e mo re in fo r m at i o n ab ou t us:

As a recently fo un d e d a n d ra p id l y g r o w i ng ma rk et i ng firm,
we hope to fo s te r a fu n y et ef fi c i e nt en v i ro n me n t fo r our n ew
e m pl oy e es. Unlike other co mp an i e s, w e believe an e as y g o i n g
and f ri en d ly at mo sp he r e is facilitative to quality an d a ct u al ly
i n cr e as es productivity.

To be co ns i d er ed, ca n di da t es must possess st r o ng
co m mu n ic at io n/in te rp e rs on a l skills, the a bi li ty to in t er ac t wi t h
pe o p le at al l l ev e l s of t h e f ir m, and e x ce ll e n t organizational s k i l l s.

C a n di d at e s must be se l f st a rt er s an d be ab l e t o u n d e rt a ke
responsibilities with limited s u p er v is i on. Th ey must also be able to
mu l ti -t a sk, an d have a working knowledge of MS Office.
Fa mi li a ri ty wi th ot h e r t y pe s of s of t wa r e is a plus.

O ur policy is to gr o w and ma in ta i n a l on g lasting an d mutually
b e ne fi c ia l b us i ne s s relationship w it h o u r em pl o ye es. In ke e p in g
with th at standard, ou r fi rm of f er s a comprehensive benefits
pa ck ag e th at is second to no ne. In ad di t io n, we pa y ou r
employees h i gh er than an y co mp et i t o r in this industry.

C o m p en s a ti o n w i ll be further di s c us se d d u r in g t he interview
process, a ft er re vi ew i n g ca n d id at e ap pl i ca ti o ns.

Please ta ke a fe w mo m e nt s to fill out our on li ne application by
clicking on t he 'ap pl y' li n k b el o w.


Thank y o u,

H R St af f i ng
Employee Recruit Po r t a l

No comments from me needed on why it's a fake job offer and a scam for personal information.

Have a great week everyone!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Anyone Heard of Denis Orkinson

I'm sorry to be missing in action lately. Here's a new twist. As you know, and probably some of you already know, I've been in the job market. Trying first with such ridiculous companys like Career Networks for positions that never existed and served as a way of marketing ways by email and cell phone to further my education.

Today I received a unique email from a person by the name of Denis Orkinson with an email address of He sent me the following email:


We are sorry for the late reply. Are you still interested in a part time position? Please reply with your full name and phone number and I will contact you immediately with position details. Do not forget to attach your latest resume or CV.

Us residents please.

Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Seems very obscure if you ask me. Sort of like a way for someone to ask me for personal information like a telephone number, name, and a full resume as well. Something I think prior employers I applied with would already have.

Plus that seemingly fake email address made me suspicious. Anyone get an email from this alleged person like I did? If so, did you reply? Anything good come from it?

Please post any and all comments.

Thank you for stopping by. I will do my best to include regular updates on the blog now as well. I realize I have been missing in action for a while now.

Hope all of you are doing well. Have a great evening!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blog Missing In Action Lately

I apologize for being missing in action for over a month now. I still receive emails and I still get emails from scammers out there trying to do bad things. I will do my best to post a new entry in the next week. If anyone out there would like to take over this blog and continue it, please send me a message and I'll contact you back. I'll also delete the comment so it's not out there for everyone to read as well.

Have a great week!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

*NEW* Blog Poll About Scammer Emails

For my regular readers, I've introduced a poll to the right to determine if you'd be at all interested in reading more about the emails that I receive from scammers and any correspondence I send back to them.

I feel it helps you see or get into the mindset of a scammer.

Terry Nunley is the one I've had the most correspondence with to date. He or she, or it is really trying to make me rent his apartment that is supposedly very nice and located somewhere equally nice as well.

I do promise to give you more details on that by later today or tomorrow after work.

Have a great weekend!! As always, be careful when talking with people online. Not trying to preach but follow some suggestions before doing anything involved with a potential scammer on the internet.

Saturday, August 29, 2009 (Email Scammer) Fraud

I realize scammers constantly change their email addresses after self discovery by questioning individuals but I try to highlight and put the email addresses on the title section of my blogs where possible.

For another recent example allow me to introduce as one of the scammers. I'll back up this with evidence later today or tonight but until then, question everything from anyone you receive online.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Convincing Emails/Scams Using Craigs List Rental Property

I just wanted to warn anyone about email scams, even google or yahoo or any type of email addresses that appear to look convincing like can still be scams as well.

I didn't fall victim but I'm currently corresponding with a drooling scammer trying to get me to rent an apartment with convincing language if I wire him or her the money to get mailed back by FedEx a key and rental agreement I must return to rent the property.

For some reason, they are always out of the country and can't meet in person nor do they have anyone in town like a realtor to show me the property in person but you have to have confidence in the transaction and "God" that will put me in that apartment because they feel all cuddly with me. They also believe me to be quite the trusthworthy soul because they got an immediate vibe of my goodness when reading my request for rental property.

Sort of makes me misty that someone knows what I want and at a seemingly unheard of price per month and initial security deposit.

More on that later...including pictures if it goes further

To summarize, be careful. Trust nobody. Ask questions. Don't send out personal information. Create and use a fake email address to screen out others. Don't have your real first and last name show up on the email account you use to correspond at first. Get a phone number. Call and talk to the possible people you'll rent from. Be cautious and careful especially when using the internet for your rental searches.

Career Networks Emails Fake Job Offers/Scams All The Time

One of the most popular career/job offer scams is Career Networks which also appears to be quite popular with the readers and visitors to this blog.

I haven't been able to check my email regularly for a few weeks since I'm trying to move into a new apartment and my parents do not have internet at home.

So here's an email for a supposedly sound job sponsored by the worst fake of job offers, Career Networks:

Hi Xxxxxx,

We wanted to let you know about a vacant Agent Service Representative position that has recently become available.

This position offers $13.00 to $16.00 an hour, plus benefits.

If you have been considering a career change, or, if you think this is a position you would like to fill, select the following link to access a more complete description and apply:

We will be awaiting your prompt response.

With Regards,

Barbara Fields
HR Coordinator

And most of us know you receive this type of email and it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with a real life job opportunity in your area. It's more of a scam to get you to fill out personal information to harness email addresses and telephone numbers to spam you with offers to return to college or secure money for going back to college. If you give them a telephone number, you'll constantly be called by an automated message (like me since I fell victim to this scam myself) with offers to return the call to complete the steps of the application.

Here's another one from that ridiculous company Career Networks:

Dear Xxxxxxx,

A great Call Center Representative position has recently opened, and we thought it may interest you.

The Call Center Representative position offers $12.00/hour and up to $24k annual commission plus benefits.

If you are interested in pursuing a new career, or if you think you may be interested in the Call Center Representative position, follow the link below to get a complete description and an application to apply:

We will be looking for your response today.

Respectfully Yours,

Barbara Fields
General Office Manager

Please note the links above will not click on a valid reply for job offers. I did post the text of the email exactly as I received it from the Career Clowns but I modified the URL so my personal information would not show up to anyone who may dare defend this Career Network company as offering legitimate jobs.

I realize there may be some people who either surf the net to find out bad things people say about this company and I will allow them to have equal opportunities to post the praise in the comments.

But the majority of people who have posted comments far outrule any legitimate beliefs I have to Career Clows, errr, Career Networks. But the persistence of getting you to constantly click on links with offers where they never reply to your email to inquire on the job and finer details never ceases to amaze me.

Most of you do believe there are no real jobs to be had by any email from Career Networks, right?


Have a great weekend!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jack Williams Apartment Rental Scam

As some of you may read and know from the other blog, I've accepted a new job in another city from where I live in Alabama and I have started to look at apartments in the city of my new home where I'll work.

I wound up looking at lots of other apartments in the city where the job was located but kept turning up disappointed because of the layout or the apartment itself wasn't up to my standards with the amount of rent,deposit, application fees, and the like.

So I turned to my somewhat at times trustworthy website, for help. I actually posted an ad on there for housing wanted stating I was moving into the area and was looking for an apartment in the range of $600 to $700 per month and preferred one open to an older pet cat I had of mine.

You'd be surprised how many emails I received, most offering me to share a home with someone else when I mentioned specifically I wanted a home of my own and not to share with a roommate or roommates.

Then this ad reply below came from Jack Williams, at the email address on, which just screams fake all over it.

Let's read what he replied to me about his housing:

Hello Dear,

Calvary greetings to you, also to your house hold..I got the AD you
posted on craigslist... I am looking for responsible tenants that
he/she is going to take care of the house as if it were your own and
he/she will be willing to make the Property clean as we left it.
Actually I resided in the house with my family, such as my wife and my
only daugther before and presently we had packed due to my transfer
from my working place and now situated in the (United Kingdom) and
won't be coming to the House until Four years now and that means we
are renting the Property for long term and short term lease is also
acceptable. and presently my house is still available for rent for
$1000 which the deposit is $800 dollars including the utilities like
Heat, A/C in wall/window, Hydro, cable, Garbage Disposal, Fireplace ,
Fridge, stove, Dishwasher, Dryer, Breakfast Bar, Dining Table and Sofa
Set,Refrigerator,Canopied deck overlooking nature.,internet access
e..t.c .,it is furnished or if u wish to move in with your furnitures
no problem..Moreso Now, i went for a Crusade in United Kingdom.

I will solicit for your absolute mentenance of this house and want you
to treat it as your own, it is not the money the main problem but want
you to keep it tidy all the time so that i will be glad to see it
neat when i come for a check up.i do that once in a while....I also
want you to let me have trust in you as i always stand on my word.


Full Name__________________________________________________ Home Phone
( ) ________________________
Date of Birth_________________________________
Other Phone ( ) ___________________
Current Address_______________________________Apt#________
City__________________ State______ Zip________
Reasons for Leaving____________________________Rent $__________Phone (
) ____________________________
Are you married____________________________
How many people will be living in the house____________________________
How many people will be living
in the house____________________________
Do you have a pet____________________________
Do you have a car____________________________
Move In Date____________________________

You will only be able to drive by the house for now but not have a
look at the interior until i have sent the keys and documents of the
house to you..and the requirement for getting the keys and documents
of the house is a fully refundable payment of $800 USD,which is the
security deposit. Please note that the deposit made is fully
refundable should in case you finally gain entrance into the house
after receiving the keys and documents and feel unsatisfied or
uncomfortable with the interior,but i am giving you a benefit of doubt
that you will love everything about this lovely home..


Looking forward to hear from you with all this details so that i can
have it in my file incase of issuing the receipt for you and
contacting you. Await your urgent reply so that we can discuss on how
to get the document and the key to you.

Jack Williams

Now at this point you're probably thinking this sounds like a great deal...but it's really not. It's a scam. I've read in our local newspaper and google searched that the internet is now becoming a source of scams for people searching for rental property as well.

Notice how this email reads...reads just like someone who isn't familiar with the English language or how to make things flow well. Everything I bolded above comes just as it was written by this scammer. I hate to call them a person because they are a scammer and only a scammer.

I did send him a reply which I'll post on my next entry here. All I can say is to be careful. The wording my change, but the same traits for a scam seem to follow for other replies I had in my search for rental property.

Have a great week!! Look for regular updates to this blog and the other one coming very shortly!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jack Williams Email Scam

I apologize to my readers for not posting more in the past few weeks.

I've changed jobs and I'm currently at a location that does not have internet access so I'm unable to regularly schedule updates to this blog and my other blog as much as I'd like to.

Stay tuned soon for additional information including more details on the current scam of Jack Williams circulating around the internet in the United States with fake property rentals he is offering that do not exist whatsoever.

If you receive emails that look tempting, ask questions, get contact numbers for the individual by telephone and don't believe everything you may see or read on the internet.

There are scams around that seek to put your good money into the pockets of those who are trying to take advantage of you but sound as sweet as your grandmother.

More soon. I promise. Have a safe and relaxing weekend!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fake Apartment Rental Scams From Craigslist And Emails

Hey everyone, just wanted to check in. I need to for sure write a much longer reply but I wanted to let you know about email scams regarding apartments for rent that do not exist. I've been corresponding with a fake person with a fake house and apartment in the area that completely does not exist.

If you are in doubt there are scams involving non existent apartments for rent just google Nigerian apartment scam and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Until I can post a longer entry, please be careful!! There's so much that can give it away as a scam but just be very careful of what you provide to these scammers, okay?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jack Williams Home Rental Scams On Craigslist

By the way, the email for the Home Rental scam came from an over zealous Jack Williams copied below.

If you want to simply write him, preferably with an email that does not give your real name and you knowingly realize anything online should be checked out somehow more fully, his email is

I did just reply to him and ask him where the unit is located. I'd be curious to see how he replies to that or gives me a generic answer.

I just re-read it yet again and can't help but wonder despite enticing phrasings, why or how could anyone believe it to be real?

Thanks for stopping by today!!

Home For Rent Craigslist Scam/Craigslist Has Lots Of Scams There

Hello everyone, thanks for stopping by recently to visit the blog. I've been very busy lately between starting a new job, training for the position, and looking for an apartment to rent while staying back in my hometown.

Craigslist sometimes may be a good resource to find rental property however I still don't think it's a great resource for a normal regular consume in my view.

Great for a scammer overall but not so great for a person who is trying to find much of anything online.

Case in point. When I couldn't find an apartment quite that I liked and reading so many junk emails asking me to sign up for credit repair services, online dating so I'd not be lonely in my new property, and so much more, I decided I'd get smart and post an ad of the ideal apartment I was looking for.

I received some replies and actually went to visit some locations and see the property available for rent. Some were nice others were not so nice or in far too bad of shape to consider renting.

Then, magically, or scamfully, I received a reply like what I copied below:

"Hello Dear,

Calvary greetings to you, also to your house hold..I got the AD you
posted on craigslist... I am looking for responsible tenants that
he/she is going to take care of the house as if it were your own and
he/she will be willing to make the Property clean as we left it.
Actually I resided in the house with my family, such as my wife and my
only daugther before and presently we had packed due to my transfer
from my working place and now situated in the (United Kingdom) and
won't be coming to the House until Four years now and that means we
are renting the Property for long term and short term lease is also
acceptable. and presently my house is still available for rent for
$1000 which the deposit is $800 dollars including the utilities like
Heat, A/C in wall/window, Hydro, cable, Garbage Disposal, Fireplace ,
Fridge, stove, Dishwasher, Dryer, Breakfast Bar, Dining Table and Sofa
Set,Refrigerator,Canopied deck overlooking nature.,internet access
e..t.c .,it is furnished or if u wish to move in with your furnitures
no problem..Moreso Now, i went for a Crusade in United Kingdom.

I will solicit for your absolute mentenance of this house and want you
to treat it as your own, it is not the money the main problem but want
you to keep it tidy all the time so that i will be glad to see it
neat when i come for a check up.i do that once in a while....I also
want you to let me have trust in you as i always stand on my word.


Full Name__________________________________________________ Home Phone
( ) ________________________
Date of Birth_________________________________
Other Phone ( ) ___________________
Current Address_______________________________Apt#________
City__________________ State______ Zip________
Reasons for Leaving____________________________Rent $__________Phone (
) ____________________________
Are you married____________________________
How many people will be living in the house____________________________
How many people will be living
in the house____________________________
Do you have a pet____________________________
Do you have a car____________________________
Move In Date____________________________

You will only be able to drive by the house for now but not have a
look at the interior until i have sent the keys and documents of the
house to you..and the requirement for getting the keys and documents
of the house is a fully refundable payment of $800 USD,which is the
security deposit. Please note that the deposit made is fully
refundable should in case you finally gain entrance into the house
after receiving the keys and documents and feel unsatisfied or
uncomfortable with the interior,but i am giving you a benefit of doubt
that you will love everything about this lovely home..


Looking forward to hear from you with all this details so that i can
have it in my file incase of issuing the receipt for you and
contacting you. Await your urgent reply so that we can discuss on how
to get the document and the key to you.

Jack Williams"

I promise I won't go into a long blatherly entry about why this one sounds truly like a scam but it is. It just doesn't read like a reply from someone who is even in the United States offering me rental property.

It's just like those Nigerian scams out there offering people lots of money if they put up their own money in good faith for a share of some royalty disbursement. Luckily, I haven't had those otherwise I'd probably go ahead and post those entries here as well.

Don't give up on the apartment search and by all means be careful when you get replies such as the one above. For giggles, I might reply and tell the guy his price range is a little high and see if he has other rental units for less money per month where I pay for my own utilities.

I'll post more soon including the Career Networks issue that still creeps into my cell phone and email box even now.

Have a safe and relaxing weekend everyone!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Craigslist Email Scams Are Everywhere!!!

One of my fellow bloggers, Sticky Crows wrote a comment on the other blog stating he firmly believed the value of Craigslist for finding tenants for his rental property. I do see a value in the free service Craigslist offers but I also see after a long search yesterday with responding to emails there is a lot of potential for money making with credit protection services and email address harvesting.

Case in point in the beautiful city of Pensacola, Florida where I'm seeking an apartment for rent. I see lots upon lots of listings with varied google email accounts that give remarkable pictures and remarkable amenities including some with 2000 square feet as a one bedroom one bath apartment single unit.

I've started to flag a lot of them because these listings when I email them for more information as simple as the location, I receive a reply to fill out a credit report because giving out the location makes the unit suspect for possible break in burglaries.

They politely tell me via email they must have a recent copy of my credit report including a credit score to give to them and include on this "fake" rental application that is designed to harvest, name, social security numbers, work places, previous addresses, and other references.

And yes, again, there's no real telephone number to call anyone about the property and only a direct statement you must fill out this online form for getting your credit report through this company and no others.

I did on one on a whim email an ad back from Craigslist when they asked for this information to say I received my credit score back and if there was anyone I could call to talk about this with questions.

Nothing happened at all. It's as if the auto reply feature turns off after the first email they send back offering Credit Protection Service.

I flag these listings that are without any doubt fake on Craigslist and see wise people have also done the same during the same type of search.

Then I get happy when I see a note from Craigslist the listing has been flagged for removal. But then a few minutes later, the listing just re-appears at the top of the page as it just posted completely over again with only a slight variant of email address as the one we in the CL community removed.

I realize it's a free service and you tend to get most of what you pay for with CL, but I do agree, it does have some value. Maybe I just have been too blind to see what that is.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

On-Fire Employment Commentary

Patricia wrote me a comment regarding On Fire Employment that I approved as a comment.

She said, "A friend living in a foreign country emailed me asking whether I'd requested a reference from her. She did not wish to write one without my consent.

I had not, but she wrote back, with details that it was On Fire Employment that had requested the reference. If this is a scam of sorts, why is someone checking up on backgrounds?"

So to answer her question, I don't know why this company On Fire Employment would be checking up on backgrouns for her.

I remain firmly convinced it's not a reptutable company.

Perhaps this company just wants to spam you and call you for Career Networks/On Fire Employment fake jobs and college information?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Anna Brooks Scam/

Recently I received an anonymous comment from a person who asked the following question:

Should I be worried if I sent in the application without doing the credit score, having given my address and name?

I would say if you didn't give a credit score to this company I'd believe you to be safe. I think this company is trying to get people to sign up for credit protection service and also either spam you via email or send snail mail marketing offers to your mailing address.

However, I don't have any proof of exactly what happens with applications submitted back to this fake Anna Brooks person.

Does anyone else have any experience or information they could share with this question above from one of the site visitors?

Any information I know would be welcomed by me and appreciated by this poster.

Thanks for stopping by tonight.

Just remember, be careful who for sure has your social security number.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

WWW.NABACAREERNOW.COM Is The Same Fake Job Offer By Email As Career Networks

I've already written on fake job offers by email on Craigslist, state job websites, and yahoo hot jobs. I won't write much except to say that is part of that same fake stupid job offering company as Career Networks.

You can read up on experiences with that company elsewhere within this same blog.

WWW.NABACAREERNOW.COM tends to write in the same format and email phrasing as all of those other fake jobs I receive in my inbox from Career Networks. If you receive any offer of employment from this company, choose wisely and delete the email immediately.

There aren't any such job offers that exist with this company or any part of Career Networks.

There ought to be a law...

Anyway, here's the verbatim email:

Hello John,

A Customer Service Representative position has recently opened, and we thought it may interest you.

The Customer Service Representative position offers great benefits and $15.50 to $18.50 per hour.

If a career change is something you are considering, or if this position is of interest to you, please follow the link below to a page that will provide you with a complete description and an opportunity to apply:

We will be expecting your prompt response later today.

Respectfully Yours,

S. Levine
General Office Manager

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Anna Brooks Scam/

Boy this Anna Brooks person has amazing rental properties all over. Despite asking for any information, she continually wishes to hound you to fill out a "Rental Application" and does not answer any email inquiries about her rental property itself.

Could it be she or he or it doesn't respond because they don't exist? I think so.

Here's a copy of the rental application verbatim:


First off, thank you for considering application to one of our quality rental units. Please read below to learn about our application screening process and what you can expect.

Application Process:

We offer application forms to everyone who inquires about the rental.

We review applications in the order they are received by us.

We may require up to 5 business days to verify information on the application; however, most applications are processed in 2-3 days.

If we are unable to verify information on the application, the application may be denied.


Complete Application:

Unless joint applicants are married, each must submit a separate application.

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

We will accept the first qualified applicant(s).

Credit/Criminal/Public Records Check:

Negative reports may result in denial of application.

Any individual who is a current illegal substance abuser, or has been convicted of the illegal manufacture or distribution of a controlled substance, or of a felony may be denied of tenancy.

Screening Process:

We determine, based on the application, whether the applicant meets our screening guidelines.

We obtain a credit report, criminal records report, and public records report.


This is a rental application only and does not constitute acceptance of the applicant as a tenant, nor a rental agreement or tenancy relationship between the parties. A separate rental application is to be completed by each unmarried adult. Inaccurate or falsified information will be grounds for denial of the application.


1. APPLICANT NAME (last) ________________ (first) ____________ (middle) ______

DATE OF BIRTH __________________ TELEPHONE # _______________


CITY ____________________________________ STATE ______________ ZIP ___________

RESIDENCE DURATION: years: ______ months: _____ MONTHLY PAYMENT ___________



Like most companies today, we require a recent Credit Score. This is only to do a criminal background check and keep our tenants safe. We will only speak to renters with a credit report from 'My Rental Credit Score' because we have seen many fraudulent reports. This is a well known company for and should garner some trust.

You can get the free report here:

Applicant Credit Score:


Why are you leaving your current residence?

How did you find out about our rental? newspaper ____ drive-by ____ word of mouth other __

Do you intend to have house pets at this residence? ____ Yes No If yes, what kind & how many of each Do you smoke? Yes No

Do you intend to use a water bed at this residence? Yes No

Have you been evicted in the last 5 years? Yes No

If so, please explain the circumstances

Have you ever filed a petition in bankruptcy? Yes No

Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor? ____ Yes No

If so, please explain the circumstances


This release will constitute my consent and authority to examine statements and information regarding my background.

I understand that I acquire no rights in a rental unit until I sign a Rental Agreement on the rental unit (noted above) to be held in accordance with the Rental Agreement.

I declare the foregoing to be true under penalty of perjury. I agree that the Landlord may terminate any agreement entered into in reliance on any misstatement made above.

I understand that my rent will commence upon the date of approval of my rental application and the availability of the dwelling, whichever occurs later.

If I am submitting this form via email, I understand that typing my name on the signature line below constitutes an electronic signature.

Electronic Signature of Applicant:


Before you go through all the trouble of giving this email address your applicant credit score consider this company is not legitimate. I believe this type of scam serves two purposes. One to get lots of personal information from you that would be valuable to steal your identity. Secondly that credit score service they require you to use because they "have seen many fraudulent reports" just doesn't bode well in my opinion.

Also, this Anna Brooks likes this company because it "is a well known company for and should garner some trust."

If you google "Anna Brooks" you will see that this individual or company somehow gets revenue by persons also choosing to receive a credit score and credit protection service from

I used the words in quotes since they directly came from the Rental Application.

I'm sure this Anna Brooks scam is up to no good whatsoever either. I won't promise to defend someone who really thinks these CraigsList rental properties or Anna Brooks is up to a legitimate business practice either.

Just delete the email and move on to some other rental units or at least a property manager that is more trustworthy.

Thanks for stopping by tonight.

Have a great week!!

Julie Mathews Prime Insurance Money Transfer Agent Job Scam

Sometimes I feel a need to defend my blog against those who may not share my beliefs of the legitimacy of companies that email me regarding job offers.

One case is the comment regarding Prime Insurance Company I fully believe to be a scam and not a company I'd choose for fake employment.

Here are the comments I approved verbatim to be posted from an anonymous poster earlier tonight on the original Prime Insurance Money Transfer Agent Job Scam on this blog.

See below:

I hear them being accused of a scam - does anyone have facts? What are they scamming? Has anyone lost money?

They have a phone and fax number. The phone number has an answering machine.

They made a deposit to my checking account, and it was verified by my bank.

Does abyone have any facts rather just than fears and opinions?

To be fair and answer the questions they posted...I don't really need to back up my claim that this company is fake. If you use google you can type in "Prime Insurance" or "Julie Matthews" or both. You will pull up complete other forums showing the complete reasons to justify why this job offer is not legitimate.

I see no reason whatsoever to sign up for a job offer that is fake to prove a point that it is fake. Quite possibly I'd run the risk of losing money accepting fake deposits into my checking or savings banking accounts when the funds are not legitimate.

If anyone firmly believes this offer or this company to be legitimate, please by all means use the company and feel free to report back to this blog or post elsewhere of your success stories. I'm sure we'd all like to hear about it.

Facts for you to consider:

(1) Prime Insurance company emails were from a hotmail or gmail account with problems in the phrasing of the email. The email supposedly comes from a Julie Mathews but the email address name and email is a totally different individual.

(2) I don't think just because a company has a telephone number and fax machine makes it a legitimate company. A website for the company, well written information, and truthful information goes a long way to show the company is reputable.

(3) Despite several email attempts back to the alleged Julie Mathews at various email addresses used to attempt to entice me to work for this fake company, I have never received any correspondence from the alleged "company" to prove the company is not fraudulent. If this fake company was wanting to instill confidence toward a potential applicant, they would choose to respond to my email for additional information about the company instead of ignoring my requests.

Read more about what some people believe about the scamming intents of the company by going here and read up on page #2 as well.

I also will state there isn't a lot known about persons who lose money to scam emails. I firmly believe continued education is key to avoid losing money from these companies. I'll say it again, I don't have to lose my own valuable money in a scam to know when it's one right before me.

Any and all other persons who have made excellent money are more than welcome to reply to comments on the blog and share your stories. I just don't see how you can do anything but LOSE money with scams like these circulating into your email service.

To date, I haven't found anyone that has really "earned" money from Prime Insurance and this alleged "Julie Mathews" HR representative.

Fake, Fake, Fake is Prime Insurance with the offers of a "Work At Home Money Transfer Agent".

I may just continue to post comments from those who believe the company is legitimate, but I am starting to find myself not willing to defend my position of why I believe companies are running a scam.

Anyone else have any comments?

Have you had success stories with the Prime Insurance Work At Home Money Transfer Agent job?

Please feel free to share comments.

Have you been scammed and want to enlighten the readers of this blog?

Please also feel free to share your comments as well.

Thanks for stopping by again.

Anna Brooks Scam/

Thanks to two people so far who also see the fake connection between Anna Brooks and for Rental Property Connections.

I'll post more on her later. Funny thing, this Anna Brooks emailed me back the same email as before when I again asked her with a reply of the location of her rental apartment in Pensacola, Florida.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Rental Property Connections

Hello everyone, welcome back.

I apologize for being away for several days but I was completing interviews, panel interviews, and telephone interviews for a position I was interested in very much but unfortunately or fortunately, I didn't actually get the job.

I found that out yesterday. While I am a little disappointed I didn't meet the "personality standards" that were being checked by the panel interview, I realize I can't be anything more than honest to myself and give the outward appearance of honesty and integrity.

If the panel interviewers found that to not be a match to a model employee they seek, so be it. I just have to be me and keep my own personality rather than pretend to buy into the one they are apparently searching for in this position.

I was certainly looking for places to live also during this time which was also a little bit frustrating on my parent's computer. My dad had originally had high speed internet at a cost of $19.95 and then suddenly decided he didn't want to pay that much for high speed internet and canceled the service.

He then decided about a week later that he wanted access to the internet since he enjoys the news and has very little news of national of world interest on over the air broadcast television.

So he goes back and installs one of the dial up providers software but can't connect to the modems of this provider for some reason.

I should also say he has a Mac instead of a windows based PC which I admit makes things rather difficult trying to get things to work and configure properly.

After some troubleshooting, I found out the reasons for his problems with dial up using the software on a Mac computer. I was able to get him dialed into the service but the speeds very much pale in comparison to faster internet service.

Which brings me to my next point, (I really do have one after all that blather) is beware of most CraigsList advertisements either for jobs or rental property. My commentators regarding CraigsList job ads that aren't really job ads continue to be welcome, but I must state CL for the most part isn't an ideal place to look for an apartment either.

I know there are certainly some honest people out there posting rental property for rent and sale but there are still what appear to be strong scams out there looking to bilk people out of personal information for no reason whatsoever.

I read an advertisement including wonderful pictures for an apartment for rent that seemed quite legitimate and supposedly in a nice area of town but for some reason the person advertising the rental unit didn't say where in Pensacola the apartment was located.

Usually this is my first concern when looking at a potential apartment for rent. I don't want to be living in a crime ridden area nor do I want to have my morning and afternoon commute for work tied up in extreme traffic zones where work is on one side of town and home is completely on the other far distant side of town.

I would provide an online link to the property described but someone thankfully has flagged it as not a real location for rent.

So in this case, I simply email the person who is using an email address of something like for any inquiries. No telephone number or real name in the rental listing.

I simply in this case asked the individual at the email address that I'm interested in learning more about the rental property. I ask if the person would tell me where this rental unit is located. I include a link from Craigslist for that particular advertisement in the email I send back and give my full name and telephone number.

Later, in a few short hours I receive an email like below, using bold text for emphasis:

Anna Brooks Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 1:02 AM
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original
Hi and thank you for your interest,

My inbox was flooded yesterday with inquiries so I'll do my best to answer some of the questions:

1) Cable, wireless internet, heat, water, and electricity are included in the monthly rental fee.

2) The security deposit amount depends on your credit score.

3) Move-in can begin as early as next month.

4) I haven't gotten around to taking more pictures yet but I will be taking groups of interested parties for showings later this week.

Due to the overwhelming response I've included a preliminary rental application for any interested parties. I only want to converse with people who are serious about actually moving into this property. So if you are interested in a showing and further information, please fill out the attached application and email it to me so that I can get back to you soon.

I've attached the application. Please reply with the application
or copy and paste the answers onto the reply email.

This will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis. This is the last unit I have unfortunately.

I look forward to hearing from you,
Anna Brooks

Okay, I'm back again now. Notice there's nothing in the email answering my only question regarding the actual location of the rental unit.

Also funny this alleged individual with the attachment asks you to complete a request for a credit score on the application with a company they only trust,

Sure this company supposedly offers you a free credit report. But it also appears to sell a service that will supposedly help fix problems and errors on your credit report.

I just wouldn't do it. Besides, if a landlord really had property for rent, I'd tend to think this individual would pull their own credit report or rental history in some other manner rather than asking you to enter a credit score.

Notice this comment:

Our ability to rent and the amount of deposit we charge is determined by your credit report. We will only speak to renters with a credit report from My Credit Score because we have seen many fraudulent reports. This is a well known company and should garner some trust.

Just interesting mind you. I decided to delete the full reply of the email because I know for sure there's no rental property. It's just some "person" trying to sell a credit repair service.

Just another one of the many scams out there on the internet for unsuspecting individuals.

Be careful as always everyone...thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Exposing The Email Scams Update Soon

I apologize giving regular updates lately to this blog.

It is still very important to get the word out regarding fake job scams and offers that are regularly sent to email boxes.

I'm actually in the job market and have had several interviews lately for positions certainly outside of the email offers I receive that are not legitimate.

I'll do my best to get an update very shortly.

Thanks for stopping by.

Have a great week!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Scam Career Network/Three Stars Incorporated

Wow, so much to write about regarding Three Stars Incorporated and its other numerous fake websites. I'll have to post more later today about them.

Until then, here's a WFTV out of Orlando, Florida video segment I found while researching this scam company further.

More coming up. Feel free to join in the comments with any information you may wish to share with other readers of this blog.

Have a great weekend!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Prime Insurance Company Scam...Request For Feedback

One of my readers, Karen in Florida posted an anonymous comment regarding Prime Insurance Company and the scam. She asked the following on her approved comment to the blog:

Looking to hear from anyone who has actually had experience with performing their transactions as instructed?
Karen, in FL

Can anyone post anything in comments back about her question regarding performing transactions for the fake job opportunity?

Anything posted will be approved to hopefully give Karen and others new insight to this company.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

646-360-1658 and 646-360-1661 Are On Fire Employment Verification Scams

One annoying part of the scam with On Fire Employment and many other URL listings owned by the same company is that if you give your telephone number on the fake job application you'll start getting calls from someone on a recording called "Jessica" who wants you to call back in to verify your information.

Two numbers used for these fake job verification calls are both out of New York. One is 646-360-1658 and the other I'm aware of is 646-360-1661.

If you google either telephone number or both you'll hear from other disgruntled persons who were led to provide their number only to discover you will attempt to be marketed for college information and courses of study.

I wish there was a way to get rid of these phone calls on my cell phone for good but I haven't yet. I don't want to call and get to someone only for them to realize this is a good cell number for lots of other marketing purposes.

I guess I could call and ask the person who wants to sell me on things that I do not know why this number is being called and to remove me immediately.

I might try this. Anyone else have information to share about calls from these two telephone numbers for the ruse of verifying your employment information?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Letter From Annie's Mailbox About Job Scams

I saw in the newspaper this morning that "Annie's Mailbox" has a letter from a person who was scammed by a company offering employment. I published a comment last night from someone that said they had received checks in the mail they deposit and then mail back money orders to another location.

I can't help but wonder how long it will take this person who posted to be in the wrong with the bank or financial institution she or he uses when the checks are deemed fraudulent.

That anonymous person simply posted, "rec two mos for 855.00 each do the math and mine is 171.00 dont see any harm in cashing and sending to a third party"

I would like to understand what this means as far as a comment. I don't understand the first part of the commentary provided.

I haven't received any comments that are positive with any of these job offers that are all within this blog. I assure you if I receive some that are positive, I will certainly post them.

That individual who posted the comment above should still be careful. Just because the checks supposedly are legitimate (I just can't understand how they could be--would a scammer really want to not scam someone) doesn't mean they will always be this way.

Have you been scammed? Are you really tempted by these job offers? I just can't be tempted but I welcome those who have any feedback to others who may be reading this forum and wonder.

Here's the Annie's Mailbox letter from June 24, 2009:

Annie's Mailbox®, June 24

Dear Annie: I recently lost my job of 13 years. While checking out various employment listings, I came across a work-at-home position. I did a quick Google search and found that the company had several locations throughout the eastern portion of the country, all with what seemed to be actual addresses and phone numbers, so I thought the job would be OK to accept.

As it turned out, the whole thing was nothing but a huge scam, and I got sucked right into it. The job involved cashing money orders from the company's customers and then wiring it to Canada. As a result of all the money orders having been counterfeit, I am on the hook to my bank for nearly $25,000.

I surfed the Internet looking for some sort of victim's assistance and have been unable to find what I need. I turned the whole matter over to the FBI, and when I called them back a few days later, I was told it would be at least a month before an agent assigned to the case would contact me. Can you please help me locate some sort of assistance program to help me pay back all that money to the bank? — Stepped in It in California

Dear California: Although you were on the wrong end of this scam, you are also a victim. Consider contacting the National Center for Victims of Crime ( at 1-800-FYI-CALL (1-800-394-2255), as well as a bankruptcy lawyer who might help you find a way out of this mess. It also wouldn't hurt to talk to someone at your bank about whether a type of deferred payment can be worked out while you wait for the FBI to get around to your case. Your situation should serve as a warning to others. When something seems too good to be true, it generally is.

It's me again...have a good day out there!! Don't give up on your job search with real and legitimate companies.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

ATM Beneficiary Fun Scam From FBI/Nigeria

The email I also received below is a scam and very amazing. I'm sure others get these in their boxes as well.

If you have one that is particularly interesting, feel free to copy and paste it into comments, and I'll post it here for others to be aware of. Please let me know in the comments if you want your name used or not. You may feel free to leave off any relevant information about yourself contained in the email you receive as well and I'll copy and paste whatever you provide.

This email is interesting because all you have to do is put up $150 in good faith for just an amazing amount of money. Do people really fall for this type of scam?

All they need is some very valuable and cash inducing information about you to do that, well besides the $150 you must send to them.


Here's that fake email:

Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division.
Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
J.Edgar.Hoover Building Washington Dc

Attn: Beneficiary,

This is to Officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have
thoroughly Investigated with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network
System that you are having an illegal Transaction with Impostors claiming to be
Prof. Charles C. Soludo of the Central Bank Of Nigeria, Mr. Patrick Aziza, Mr
Frank Nweke, Dr. Philip Mogan, none officials of Oceanic Bank, Zenith Banks,
Barr. Derrick Smith, kelvin Young of HSBC, Ben of FedEx, Ibrahim Sule,Larry
Christopher, Dr. Usman Shamsuddeen, Dr. Philip Mogan,Dom Ibekwe,are impostors
claiming to be the Federal Bureau Of Investigation. During our Investigation, we
noticed that the reason why you have not received your payment is because you
have not fulfilled your Financial Obligation given to you in respect of your
Contract/Inheritance Payment.

Therefore, we have contacted the Federal Ministry Of Finance on your behalf and
they have brought a solution to your problem by cordinating your payment in
total USD$11,000.000.00 in an ATM CARD which you can use to withdraw money from
any ATM MACHINE CENTER anywhere in the world with a maximum of $700 usd to $1000
usd United States Dollars daily and it is valid for twenty year's. You now have
the lawful right to claim your fund in an ATM CARD.Since the Federal Bureau of
Investigation is involved in this transaction, you have to be rest assured for
this is 100% risk free it is our duty to protect the American Citizens and also
European and Asia. All I want you to do is to contact the ATM CARD CENTER via
email and phone for their requirements to proceed and procure your Approval Slip
on your behalf which will cost you $150 usd only and note that your Approval
Slip which contains details of the agent who will process your transaction.


NAME: Mr. Robert Crago

Do contact Mr. Robert Crago of the ATM CARD CENTRE with your details in NIGERIA


So your files would be updated after which he will send the payment
information’s which you'll use in making payment of $150 usd via Western Union
Money Transfer or Money Gram Transfer for the procurement of your Approval Slip
after which the delivery of your ATM CARD will be effected to your designated
home address without any further delay.We order you get back to this office
after you have contacted the ATM SWIFT CARD CENTER and we do await your response
so we can move on with our Investigation and make sure your ATM SWIFT CARD gets
to you.

Thanks and hope to read from you soon.


Note: Do disregard any email you get from any impostors or offices claiming to
be in possession of your ATM CARD, you are hereby advice only to be in contact
with Mr. Robert Crago of the ATM CARD CENTRE who is the rightful person to deal
with in regards to your ATM CARD PAYMENT and forward any emails you get from
impostors to this office so we could act upon and commence investigation.

UFE Online and On Fire Employment Scams--The Differences

I recently approved a comment from an anonymous person who said the following as it came in the comments waiting for approval:

I went to the UFE website and see NO Three Stars anything. Don;t know where you are looking to verify if fake or not. If fake they are good. give more proof either way.

I need to go back and modify the actual entry I placed earlier and will do that today.

What this reader needs to realize is that the UFE website that is for fraudulent purposes and On Fire Employment are two different websites and companies completely.

UFE is the company with the website with locations in Russia and Poland.

The URL for the alleged company UFE for a fake "Cash Asset Manager is located

On Fire Employment has many different names registered for fake job offers and marketing purposes. The owner of this name, On Fire Employment and many others is the company Three Stars Media. Three Stars Media allegedly lists its office location in Orlando, Florida with an website address here which I accessed by going to the "About Us" section of Career Link

I hope this helps.

Maybe my entries were not clear but these are two separate companies attempting to scam individuals.

In summary, one is overseas (UFE Online) trying to scam you and one is supposedly located near or in Orlando, Florida (On Fire Employment).

Have a great weekend!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

UFE Online Incorporated Is Still A Scam

I apologize, I stand corrected to my prior entry. I still stand firmly believe without any doubts this company is not legitimate.

However, I failed to realize there is a website out there attempting to validate the company as being legitimate but I again strongly believe it to be less than legitimate.

For those who didn't see the prior comments, here's the website for the alleged fake company.

Go to

Notice that the company is located in St.Petersburg, Russia and Krakow, Poland and not United States based.

Also look at all the blather related to what the company supposedly does for business.

It's a scam all the way.

Be careful, thanks for stopping by today. I'll post more later today on why I firmly believe (to those skeptics out there) it to be a scam.

Have a great weekend!!

Friday, June 19, 2009 Money Manager Assistant Fake Job

Wow, here's yet another fake job offer with a fake Money Manager Assistant. Does anyone see these for anything but fraud?

A Job for You!

We thought you would be interested in this job:

Job Information

Job Title: Money Manager Assistant
Req'd Education: Not Specified

Company: Insurance Company
Req'd Experience: Not Specified

Job Location: United States
Base Pay: $ 2,000/month

Employee Type: Part-Time/Home-Based
Bonus: Yes

Work at home Money Manager Assistant
(part-time vacancy; 2000 usd / month):

We value your response back regarding the open vacancy Insurance Company is offering. We're currently seeking motivated and responsible individuals to attend the post of a 'Work at home Money Transfer Assitant'. This remote position itself covers a broad range of directions an individual would have to perform. It's a part time position, which let's you perform your duties directly from your home location. In the nearest future, we're planning to achieve the expansion of our company throughout the United States of America and United Kingdom, providing local offices and departments in the vast areas, where logistic and insurance services are definitely in demand. Until then, we're trying to fill in our personnel with new individuals, which will increase the efficiency of the services we're catering. If you wish to apply or have any questions regarding the position, feel free to contact me back either via e-mail. Hope to hear from you soon.

In order to reduce the corporate overhead, we've implemented the thrift solution of disseminating bases of control over certain regions of the United States of America. It provides a great opportunity for beginners to participate in the standard operations of the future subsidiary departments. Besides the expansion project, the upcoming regional accountants are expected to learn a great deal about different realms of the insurance market mainly through digesting the experience gained from the large scale practical assignments.

1) This is part time work at home position and can easily combine this vacancy with any other work.

2) The fixed salary is 2000 USD a month + 5% instantly from each payment processed by you.

3) You will receive payments (Direct Bank Deposits and wire transfers) from client within United States and send it by instant payment sistem such as Western Union. You will receive 5% of processed amount.

4) You do not spend your own money and there are no startup fees. All charges for withdrawal or transferring the money will be deducted from the payment.

5) To start work with us you must only have basic checking account at any bank. Your financial information will never be disclosed to third parties.

6) You can work 2-3 hours per day.

7) This is not insurance sales position and you don't need to sell insurance, this is Money Transfer Assistant vacancy.

8) Your education and status don't matter.

9) We do not ask any personal information and we run business according to laws of the United States of America.

Now I will explain the details of this job.

1) An ACH or Wire transfer will be made to your bank account from our client. I'll let you know it's exact transfer amount and date.

2) You should receive the transfer and send me the confirmation that you've received it. Then you'll have to cash out this transfer at your bank.

3) Then you'll have to sent the money you took from you bank account via Western Union. I'll let you know all the necessary information on this transfer(the name of person who will receive the money and destination city/country).

4) Then you should send an email to me to confirm the Western Union transfer is sent. This email should include sender's name, name of the city the transfer has been sent from, exact Western Union transfer amount, and Western Union MTCN (it's essential for receiving the money).

5) We communicate with our agents mainly by e-mail, but we will also communicate by phone (if your e-mail is not available). It is your responsibility to check your e-mail daily and inform us about any change in your contact information. Supporting communication is your top-priority obligation.

6) The fixed monthly salary which is 2000 usd will be sent to you by direct deposit after 30 day period from first transfer.

Let's see how it works. For example, 2000 usd have been transferred to your account. The amount you'll receive for each transfer is 5% from the initial payment to your bank account. 5% from 2000 usd is 100 usd so you'll have to send 1900 usd via Western Union. Western Union fee(it's about 100 usd) should be deducted from 1900 usd.

Please ask me with more questions or just let me know you're ready to get started.

We do not need access to your bank accounts. This is information that you can see at any check and only let us to send ACH and Wire transfers to this accounts.

Note: Actions depicted below, are authorized by Our Company, and therefore sustain legitimacy status. Our venerable organization doesn't condone or incite improper or out of border incentives, which may contradict to federal law.

Apply Now

Money Manager Assistant

If you want to apply please send all your questions and contact information at . We're looking forward to our further communication.

UFE Online Why It Is A Job Scam

In a prior entry below, I received a comment from someone questioning why I believe the email regarding UFE Online is fake and a scam.

In order to understand this further, I googled searched "UFE Online" which is located at the address of

One reason I know this job is fake is because this fake company uses an email address of to send correspondence involving this fake job opportunity.

Yet another reason I know this job email is a fake is because the company states they reviewed my resume online. I do not have any resume online for at least a year after I started receiving fake job offers like this one.

And finally yet another reason I see this job is fake is because it's always the same base wage jargon and then a percentage of each transaction processed which appeals to fraud in my opinion.

Also it's fraud because the wage of $2,000 monthly is tempting to those like me who are really looking for work and ready to take anything that sounds as simple as the job description.

The company offers no website, no telephone number, and no name of any person with the email sent. It's all about tempting words and money that drive individuals to be scammed like this fake company.

I would hope the legitimate company would be quite concerned over the misrepresentation of their company.

If anyone with anonymous commentators wish to enlighten me of the actual website for this company UFE Online Incorporated, I would welcome that to continue to provide unbiased information on true and legitimate job openings.

Thank you for stopping by.

As always, please be careful out there on fake job offers. The job offers might look very tempting but it's always a good idea to research the internet for more information.

I'm not necessarily saying you should rely on my website or any of my opinions and information I provide. I do it out of concern for the ones I receive and any persons who may be interested in the job offers but are not quite comfortable with the grand details about the job itself.

Any and all comments except spam are welcomed but moderated.

UFE Online Incorporated Is Another Fake Job Scam!!

Here's the full text of the latest email scam I received yesterday. Again, as so many others comment to the blog, how can they get away with this?


I'm representing human resource department of UFE Inc. We've reviewed your resume online and would like to offer you position with our company. We're looking

for US personnel in order to intermediate marketing transactions overseas.

UFE Online, Inc. was incorporated in 2003 to provide a better level of service to firms and individuals who need to send money internationally. Recently we

have been receiving plenty of applications from customers in the US. We are strongly interested to grant the best services and in the shortest dates to

overcome all the difficulties that are likely to appear. However, we've faced certain problems. Due to a large period of time concerning the payment

transactions accomplished between US and Europe, high taxes that such transaction cause, we've decided to establish position of cash asset manager to

facilitate the process. Now we have 10-15 positions available to assist in virtual office presense.

Range of cash asset manager's duties will include:

Process work requests that necessary to maintain an effective payments transfer program

Managing cash and balancing receipts

Making collections (if necessary)

Posting payments

Making bank deposits

Perform related duties and responsibilities as required

For the services provided asset manager will receive 5% of each transaction processed and the base wage of USD2,000 per month.

If you're interested in the position we have, contact me at to receive a prompt reply and further information.

PLEASE NOTE: We are sending you this email as you have posted your resume on a 3rd party website which provides resume access service. We will not

contact you again unless requested.


HR Department

UFE Online Inc

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On Fire Employment Is A Fake Part Of Career Net And Other Scams

I guess I should clarify my previous entry.

Career network if you google search the company has a website
here with all sorts of fancy and seemingly legitimate information.

If you click on About Us you will see the link as I provided below about this company ownership by "Three Stars Media" and then the rest of the link and blog right below will make sense.

I apologize I left that off originally. My goal is to give accurate and relevant information when I put these entries on the blog.

I emailed the Orlando Better Business Bureau to see if they could offer me any other information on Three Stars. The site is here if you are interested. Search for a business or company and type in Three Stars Media and you get this result from the Orlando Better Business Bureau.

Does it surprise anyone the local Orlando Better Business Bureau gives this alleged company a grade of "F"?

No it doesn't surprise me. If anyone else wants to write the Orlando Better Business Bureau as well please feel free. I had to email them to ask if this company has any level of legitimacy.

I think I already know the answer but in search of fairness I wanted to see what they say. I also emailed the Three Stars Media company as well to ask more information on their company.

If I receive any replies from either or both, I will be sure to share.

Thanks for stopping by again!!

Career Network / On Fire Employment Are Complete Scams

I am not sure myself how a company like Career Network can continue to operate so many fake job websites and still be in business.

Here's an email I received today in my regular inbox. I purposely changed the URL so it does not give the company or others any sort of self identifying information but the email remains intact as written by the scam type people.

First the email and then the comments:


I am looking for Customer Service Representatives. Job duties will include order entry, tracking shipments, account management, communicating with customers via phone and e-mail on a daily basis, project management, creating customer reports in MS Excel and tracking customer activity. This position offers $17-$20/hour plus benefits, which we can discuss at the time you decide to interview.

John, to avoid being flooded with applications and responses, I have only extended this opportunity to a few people. Your online resume caught my attention, and I would like to start the interview process as soon as I possibly can. I am eager to hear back from you today, if at all possible. By selecting the hyperlink below, you can view more information about the position, benefits offered, our company, and send in your application as an interested candidate.

I am interested in applying for the Customer Service Representative position.

I hope to have your application later today!

Best of Luck,

J. Howard
Human Resources Coordinator

If you cannot access the webpage through the hyperlink, you can copy and paste the link at the bottom of this email into your browser.

From what I've learned by fellow persons who research companies, Career Network is owned by a company called "Three Stars" with an extensive and somewhat convincing web page online about how great the company is supposed to be.

It's also full of pretty people with first name last name initial so you can supposedly get warm and cuddly with the fact they have "real" errr, fake people working for this alleged company.

Go here to read up more on this what seems to be completely fake company.

And can you believe all the company has with all this glitz and glamorous website there is no telephone number to contact them whatsoever. In my search about the company I found absolutely no person with a first and last name or email address either. That's just amazing to me and reeks of fraud right there.

Here's a link provided on the alleged company home page to contact them. Notice there's no telephone number nor physical address mentioned on the website whatsoever though it's supposedly run outside of Orlando, Florida.

I would like to know...just how can this company continue to operate with so many fake jobs as shown in some of the prior links provided about this shameful company?

I have to wonder what the motivation or drive is for this sort of scam. I realize what my goal is and that is to expose email scams and fake job companies.

What do they gain by this? People coerced into giving out lots of full information that can be used for fraud? Anyone out there have anything good to say about this company? I welcome it in comments.

Plus, please feel free to comment further as well like you've been doing. I appreciate any and call comments. I only enforce comment moderation to reduce spammers that come in here with comments off base.

I wish everyone and safe and happy week. Good luck with your personal job search as well. I know I'm still looking myself for work.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Customer Service Representative Job Email Scam

Well, those internet frauds are still at it you get an email on an "exclusive" offer of employment.

See the one I just received today of course minus any information of the job location. I emailed back but I'm sure I won't hear from anyone about the scam.

Here's a link you can click on to review this company and its scams further.

Thanks to everyone that comments on the blog about fake job offers. I welcome any including comments from anyone that has a positive experience with these companies.

I appreciate you stopping off to the email:

Hello John,

Our company is currently seeking a Customer Service Representative to start as soon as possible. Our Customer Service Representatives provide a pleasant experience for our customers, as well as support to the organization by obtaining and verifying the accuracy of order information in a timely manner. This position offers $17.25/hour plus benefits, which we can discuss at the time you decide to interview.

John, to avoid being flooded with applications and responses, I have only extended this opportunity to a few qualified individuals. Your online resume caught my attention, and I would like to start the interview process as soon as I possibly can. I am looking forward to hearing from you today, if at all possible. By selecting the hyperlink below, you can view more information about the position, benefits offered, our company, and send in your application as an interested candidate.

I would like to learn more about the Customer Service Representative opening.

I hope to receive your application later today!

Best Wishes,

L. Barclay
Human Resources Specialist

If you cannot access the webpage through the link above, you can copy and paste the link at the bottom of this email into your browser.

I do not wish to be considered for future employment.

Career-Network, Inc.-- P.O. Box 618305-- Orlando, FL 32861-8305

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Airline Customer Service: Company Confidential Job Scam

I've recently discovered a lot of fake jobs now going on Yahoo jobs with enticing emails and descriptions with savory salaries. Here's an example:

U.S. based airline is looking for dependable, motivated and energetic Customer Service/Ramp Agents to greet and process passengers at the ticket counter, gate area and baggage service area to assist in operations and also safely perform ramp service duties to include loading and transfer of baggage, mail and cargo, catering, cleaning and lavatory service.

Qualifications include:
• Demonstrated customer service skills
• Excellent work ethic and ability to act with urgency if necessary
• Ability to read, write, speak, and understand English; Second language is a plus
• Excellent communication skills
• Familiarity with computers
• Ability to work indoors and outdoors while standing for entire shift
• Ability to lift 70 pounds or more with stamina to bend, stoop and crawl in confined spaces
• Successful completion of pre-employment DOT drug screening
• Valid driver's license

We offer:
• Great travel benefits
• Starting salary of $53,500
• Full medical/dental benefits
• Paid vacation

Our Company offers rapid advancement opportunities and those who are interested in obtaining a degree is encouraged to apply. We offer full tuition reimbursement and will work around your schedule. An application has been provided via the link for you convenience.

The interesting thing to note about these types of scam jobs is the company is always confidential. The application looks convincing but it's really not. I will explain more in my next posting.

Until then, be care of scam jobs that are now appearing everywhere it seems.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Zagat Scam Job Offers By Email

Even companies try to spoof the good name of Zagat with fake job offers.

Here's one I received:

We are a company that conduct surveys and evaluate other companies. We get hired
to go to other peoples companies and act like customers in order to know how the
staffs are handling their services in relation to their customers. once we have
a contract to do so, you would be directed to the company or outlet, and you
would be given the funds you need to do the job(either purchase things or
require services), after which you would write a comment on the staffs
activities and give a detailed record of your experience.

Examples of details you would forward to us are:

1) How long it took you to get services.
2) Smartness of the attendant
3)Customer service professionalism
4)Sometimes you might be required to upset the attendant, to see how they react
to clients why they get tensed.

And we turn the information over to the company executives and they would carry
out their own duties in improving there services. Most companies employ our
assistance when people give complains about their services, or when they feel
there are needs for them to improve their customer service. your Identity would
be kept confidential as the job states (secret shopper) you would be paid $500
for every duty you carry out, and bonus on your transportation allowance, and
funds would be given to you if you have to dine as part of the duty.

Your job will be to evaluate and comment on customer service in a wide variety
of shops, stores, restaurant and services in your area.

No commitment is made on this job, and you would have flexible hours as it suits
you. If you are interested do send in these information:


So we can look at your distance from the locations which you have to put your
service into, and your address would also be need for your payments.

Yours Sincerely
Zagat Survey, LLC

Here's a link from the real Zagat showing the scam details.

Click here for more information on it.

Anixter Scam Job Offer For Accounts Receivable Department

Below is the reason the job offer above with Anixter is fake.

Click here to read up on it and why this company is also concerned about its good name using for fraudulent purposes.

It's just amazing to me that this fraud can take place.

Be careful as always!!

Anixter International Fake Job Opportunity

Here's another fake job offer for a company called Anixter International...allegedly out of Glenview, IL.

Flag this message
Saturday, June 6, 2009 6:29 PM
"Anixter International"
Add sender to Contacts
Anixter International
2301 Patriot Blvd.
Glenview, IL 60026


If you have access to a computer, and have up to three hours spare time per-week. you can get paid, would you like to work part or full time online, and get paid weekly? If yes,then please read carefully.
Since 1872, Anixter is also the leading provider of electrical and electronic wire and cable, fasteners, and other small components to build, repair and maintain a variety of systems and equipment. We bundle our products with our innovative Supply Chain Services to cut costs out of our customers’ business processes, and ensure they get the right product, the first time

We are currently seeking part or full time employees for our ever-growing Accounts Receivable Department. Through extensive demographic research, we have discovered a wealth of untapped human resources that, for one reason or another, need the freedom to work from home. If this sounds like you, please read on, and consider becoming part of our company family.

Note that no form of investment of is needed from you and this job will take only 1-3 hours of your time per week.
The position of Accounts Receivable officer entails the following duties: coordinate payments from our clients, receive payments which come in form of certified checks or united states postal money orders, process payments at your local bank, and forward 90% of funds received to the proper branch office, as instructed. The remaining 10% is your wage. Since this position is need-based, you will have plenty of free time while enjoying a good income.

Every assignment in form of payment received from clients, you're entitled to 10% which excludes the cost of processing western union to any regional office accountant

Also you get a monthly salary of $1500 which comes at the end of every month, plus other incentives and benefits that accrue, which includes tax holidays.

Interested applicants should reply with full name, full residential address, phone numbers, and email address, so that one of our Human Resource Managers can contact you through email, with an approval letter if the management decides youre a successful candidate. Please specify the best way to contact you in your reply email.

We appreciate your interest in Anixter International.

Thanks For Your Total Understanding.
Lloyd Coperfiled
Hiring Manager
Anixter International

NOTE******* Interested applicants should ensure response is forwarded to the email below: