Hello everyone...I'm out of state for a few weeks so updates might not come up as quickly as I would like....also lately I haven't received nearly the number of fake job offers to my email referencing to supposed resumes posted on Careerbuilder and Monster.com.
So I send this out to my readership...
Have you ever been scammed? Do you have a story, even if anonymously to tell? Please email me at jobscams6069@gmail.com if you have something to share with others.
And please tell me your story. Maybe you were scammed by someone that emailed you with a job offer. Maybe you shared personal information and found out the job was a scam. I welcome your feedback.
I won't publish anything with your name,IP address or email information in the stories you share with me on the blog. I would enjoy hearing from any and all of you.
Please tell us your story to help others and protect them from being a victim of a scam.
Thank you and have a great week!!