Sunday, May 27, 2012 Email Scam...Anyone Seen This??

One of my readers, I'll call her Susan" emailed me recently to ask a question regarding a strange email she received. I have changed the account number below to protect her identity. I've never seen an email scam like this so I'm throwing this out to the group to see what anyone thinks. Your comments are welcomed and appreciated and to "Susan" thanks for emailing me. I apologize it took this long to post your email. Anyway to those who are interested...Below is her email: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I was doing a google search after coming across a fishy email I received, and I can across your blog. Although this email doesn't relate to a job offer, it still seems fake to me. But my biggest concern is that something worse than just a generic email scam has happened to me. Like I said, I recieved this email, but have NO IDEA as to what it could be for. The email doesn't list who the provider they are billing for IS, nor does it give ANY contact info. Is this just a standard scam?? or could someone have stolen my identity and started an account somewhere in my name?? Any thoughts you could send my way would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!! Sincerely, Susan ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: "" To: XXXXXXXXX Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 8:51 AM Subject: Your Statement is Ready for Viewing PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS E-MAIL. THIS E-MAIL ADDRESS IS NOT MONITORED. Your Apr 19, 2012 billing statement for account 8137300080022638832382821281 is now ready for viewing. To view your bill, go to: Enter your Login ID and Password, and from the next screen select "View Statement". We appreciate your business and realize you have a choice in providers. Thank you for selecting us as your Internet and voice service provider. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You received this e-mail because you enrolled in our online account management system. If you no longer wish to receive these e-mails, you will need to unregister your enrollment. To unregister your enrollment, please log in to your account and from the "Customer Information" screen, select the "Unregister" link from the bottom of the page. 6 older messages Michelle Bailey May 2 I've been thinking....... 1~ the email doesn't have my name on it. Most bill ... Internet Job Scams