Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bill Pay Corp Is A Scam

As I continue the job search online, I still run into new scams like the one below. Please don't follow it because it just rings of a scam waiting to happen. Check out the stupid email address and information below. BEWARE!!

Here's the ad I just received today via google email.

The BillPay Corp. has a current offering of part-time positions. Even if you are presently employed, this opportunity can add additional earnings to your family budget!!!

About us:
BillPay Corp. co-operates with more than 90 countries in Europe, North and South America, the Near East and Asia. Today BillPay Corp. has built up an excellent reputation based on stability and reliability. Activities for our company are various. We find firms or people and negotiate contracts wifth them. BillPay Corp. is the guarantor between the employer and the employee, vendor and vendee, etc.
The fundamental nature of your job will primarily consist of the following:
We send you a check that you cash utilizing a check cashing service
You take the money from this check and send it to our agent (If our partner is in the USA or Canada, you send the money to him through
Travel Express)
If our partner is not in the USA or Canada, it is necessary for you to use Western Union or Money Gram.
Your salary will be 10% from the sum of every check.
The more checks you receive - the more money you earn. Moreover, if you collaborate with us successfully during your first month, you will
get an increase in pay.
After 2 months of successful employment you will get bumped up to 20% from the sum of every check.
Many of our clients conduct business via checks. But financial institutions in other countries are either not always equipped and/or
charge huge fees when transferring funds. That's why BillPay Corp. is in need of people who can help us solve this problem and while doing
so, earn a decent salary! This creates a nice win-win situation for us both.
Information for you:
If you are interested in our offer or have any questions about this offer, please complete the following information attentively and in
block letters:
Full name:
Your age:
Please send your information via e-mail to:
We don't need any information about your bank account.
Contact info:
BillPay Corp.
915 E broad St
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: +1-804-643-4594
Fax: +1-804-643-4594

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I bought into this scam. Today I have a full time job supposedly making $5000/Month. I ran across a web-site searching for gec service fraud. The URL for WRS, Inc. is which is not the name of the company I signed with, I signed with WRS Inc. Their web-site is stolen. You can tell by the broken links and the erroneous characters in the page. Please read this site, this is a scam, definitely. I will have to go to my bank tomorrow and turn myself in.

If you think you can't get hurt, you can. Exchanging phony currency is illegal and you will go to jail.

Please send comments to j f u l l n e r 0 0 AT h o t m a i l . c o m. Please remove the spaces in the e-mail before you send.