Saturday, June 20, 2009

UFE Online Incorporated Is Still A Scam

I apologize, I stand corrected to my prior entry. I still stand firmly believe without any doubts this company is not legitimate.

However, I failed to realize there is a website out there attempting to validate the company as being legitimate but I again strongly believe it to be less than legitimate.

For those who didn't see the prior comments, here's the website for the alleged fake company.

Go to

Notice that the company is located in St.Petersburg, Russia and Krakow, Poland and not United States based.

Also look at all the blather related to what the company supposedly does for business.

It's a scam all the way.

Be careful, thanks for stopping by today. I'll post more later today on why I firmly believe (to those skeptics out there) it to be a scam.

Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

ts2010 said...

I have a short post on UFE Online

There is an even classier website from a company called OPM Group. You can read the report here:

What was that Cat Stevens said? 'Oh baby, baby it's a wild world'...
