Thursday, January 21, 2010

Steven Alexander Fake Job "2010 year offer for USA citizens. New Job vacations"

Well, it's been a little while since I've received fake job scams but this one arrived in my email box today. Here's the verbatim email allegedly from a person by the name of Steven Alexander with a reply to email address of which goes completely contrary to the letter that says as below it was "This is not a Bulk Message. E-mail marketing campaign was officially bought from Yahoo Mail!"

But anyway, here's the verbatim email:


We are European company, searching for partners in USA. Being formed in 1999, we have great experience in international finance and law areas. We have wide network of partners and customers in Europe, Australia, Asia. We provide our customers with high-level financial services, such as incorporation, account services, cashing and money transfers, loans. We also offer our clients legal services. We are member of EBA (European Business Association), German Consumer and Business Network (GCBN) and associated member of European Legal Advisors League. We also are in close contact with major European banks, such as BNP Paribas, Drezdner Bank and Parex Banka.

If you have any questions or want to submit application form, please, visit our website at

We are looking for partners in USA. Vacancy is called Financial Manager.
Our requirements are:
Age - 21+
USA citizenship
Good credit rating

If you are existing business owner (own LLC or S-Corporation), we can offer great opportunities as most of our big clients work with companies only, and amounts that you will be working with, will be from USD30,000 to USD150,000 per transfer. Personal Financial Managers (who have personal bank account), can earn from USD3,000 to USD9,000 a month.

Our job is commission based, you get 5% from incoming transfer, and all fees are paid from our part. We can arrange up to 3 transfers per week after we are confident you can work with big amounts of money.

About taxes. You are responsible for your income, for 5%. 95% of the transfer is our company income, and we pay taxes here. We have consultings with IRS and got oficial response that partner is not responsible for taxes for 95% of transfer.

Last one, why do we need you? There is a law in European Union, that forces companies to pay approx 20% from incoming transfer as Value Added Tax (VAT) from any transfer received from overseas. But if we get transfer from our partner (you act as our agent in USA), we have to pay almost 3,5% from that amount. That saving allows us to give you income, and make our services cheaper than other companies. Everything is confirmed with authorities, we are working for more than 3 years with that scheme, and had no problems at all.
For you, that job means new contacts, income, career. There are no investments upfront, our company pays for anything.

If you have any questions or want to submit application form, please, visit our website at or email us at

Thanks for your time and God Bless.

P.S. This is not a Bulk Message. E-mail marketing campaign was officially bought from Yahoo Mail!

Oh yeah it's still a scam. Anyone else have any comments on it? I'll post more later.

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