Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Robert Paulo Email Regarding Job Opportunity

Here's another spammer or scammer looking for information about you. I posted something about someone who did this to me before. This guy or person or spammer is new to the field. Robert Paulo.

However with an amazing email address of when you click on reply it just seems like yet another scam waiting to happen. The email address has nothing to do with the name of the person who replied to me.

Just a scam in my view.

Anyone else?

Robert Paulo
to me

show details 10:36 AM (23 hours ago)


I am sorry for the late reply. Are you still interested in part time
job? We have a perfect deal for you. Please just let me know back your
contact details and the latest copy of your CV or resume. I will get
back to you shortly.

Thanks for you time and have a gooooood day!

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