Sunday, March 8, 2009

Julie Matthews Money Manager Job Scam

Wow, just when I didn't think I'd ever get the job at KES I received an email from another company for a great job as a Money Manager. Below are the exciting and yet scamish email I received earlier today. I just hope people who are looking for work don't fall for the scam that it is. It's just pathetic. Just sad.

to me
show details 4:24 AM (8 hours ago)

Phone: (520) 762-7351 , Fax +(1) 520-844-0888
Work at home Money Manager (Part-time vacancy, Work at home, ; 2000 usd month):
Dear Viewers,
A venerable insurance company within the underlying market of operation, is proud to announce yet another feasible entry for uprising accounting adepts.
Comfort working environment will most definitely justify the necessity to excel in the vast sphere of professional goals, and thereof lay a firm foundation
for your career advancement.
Salient associates, with profound work knowledge, will assist you in unwrapping avocation related techniques, which will best integrate with the development
and popularization of high-caliber insurance solutions.
Feel free to consider the prerequisites table right below, to amass the important information.
* Benefits and privileges:
1) Feasible career advancement opportunities.
2) Extensive tutelage (probation period) for the first two months.
3) Fixed payout, resulting in 2000 USD monthly.

* Requirements:
- Accuracy and leadership in the assigned operations
- Interpersonal and communication skills.
- Swift decision-making.
- Honesty and law obedience.
- Proficient use of Microsoft Office.
* Primary responsibilities:
1) Preparing invoices, compiling itemized charges and submitting bills concerning insurance reimbursement enquiries.
2) Commencing insurance operations (reimbursement cases).
3) Consolidating viable documentation, records and paperwork.
4) This is not insurance sales position and you don't need to sell insurance, this is Money Manager vacancy.

If you want to apply please send all your questions and contact information at

Julie Mathews. HR department.

This is your blogger writer again.

Thanks for stopping by.

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Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how to get rid of these emails permanently? I get this email probably 10 times a day from someone different and I am getting extremely annoyed. I have never posted my resume online anywhere but I have applied at a job through monster and careerbuilder within the last couple months.

Anonymous said...

I get them, too and would love to know how to get rid of them